Police Awareness of Disability

This July, students at Reach Every Voice Summer Institute spent a week learning about advocacy and collaborating to advocate for a cause that gets them fired up. Over the next few blogs, we will share students' advocacy projects with you. Please share away and help these voices be heard!
Today: Zach & Owen capture a conversation about Police Awareness of Disability
Interview with Owen and Zach: Police Awareness of Disability
We want to say that the police need to know how to talk to people with unusual behaviors. Owen: I was in Boulder, Colorado. I went for a walk without my mom or dad. I went into someone’s house because I wanted food. A man came out and began following me.
Zach: Why?
Owen: He wanted to protect me. Then I kept walking toward the school. Then I walked back to the house. Next, the police came and they took the man and me to mom and daddy. Yes in Colorado I wanted to go out. I want people to understand that I did not want to hurt any person in town. Zach: Did people think you were hurting others?
Owen: Police thought I was going to get in trouble. Zach: Why?
Owen: They thought I was lost. I was not lost. Zach: What made the police believe you were lost?
Owen: I was going to get food.
Zach: Where were you going to get food?
Owen: To the house.
Zach: What house were you going to?
Owen: I don’t know.
Zach: You did not know the house? That sounds lost to me.
Owen: I not going to hurt people.
Zach: How did the police treat you?
Owen: Young.
Zach: Did the police ever get aggressive with you?
Owen: No.
Zach: Is there something you want to say to the police?
Owen: That they need to be more hopeful to people like me. That they are mean. Zach: Police are insufficiently trained. They need proper guidelines.