Hear Me Roar!
Editor's Note: Trevor has been working on the boards with Lisa for about a year. This past winter after he participated in his IEP meeting using a letterboard, his school began exploring how to support his access to communication and more rigorous education. Two of his teachers asked a question we keep hearing as students who may have some verbal abilities develop skills on the letterboard and spell something completely different than what they're typing: "What do we do when you say one thing but spell another?"
Trevor answers that question in his debut blog. Make sure to scroll down to his bio. It's possibly the best one-line bio we've ever seen. - LMQ

When I speak the words formed in my little cranium get lost in my mouth.
What you hear has very much to do with what stimuli my senses perceive at that moment. ]\
Like right when I see Mom in Lisa’s office it triggers me to say “Chick Fil A” cause once I went there right after.
Hate that my words make some people think I’m retarded.
Get used to me saying things with my letterboard!
Help me get to show the world I’m smart. Learn how to support me with the voice I choose not the one you hear.
Hear me roar. Hear me make believers out of you. Hear my voice or hear my wrath.
I’m done having others speak for me. Get ready only have fifteen years to make up for.

Trevor found his voice on a letterboard last year and has no plans to shut up.