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Building Independent Typing Skills

Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


Have you wanted to join our live Building Independent Typing Skills class but haven't been able to make it work with your schedule? Maybe you missed the registration deadline and don't want to wait for our next session. While our live class provides the accountability and support of a group of peers, this self-paced program is the next best thing. This six-module course provides the same instruction and practice opportunities to help you build your toolkit of strategies to tackle the sometimes-daunting next steps toward independent communication. Are you ready to challenge yourself to work on typing on a flat or mounted keyboard or while holding your own letterboard? The hardest part of independent typing practice is...the practice! This course will introduce you to new ways to work on this skill that makes it feel like less work. Each week Lisa will model a new strategy, you'll practice using it in class, and then your challenge will be to continue using that strategy to practice the rest of the week outside of class. Come build your toolkit for purposeful work on independent typing. You can SO do this! We know that even with the best intentions, sometimes life gets in the way. You'll have access to course materials for 9 weeks - enough time to do one session per week and also have a grace period for when something comes up that knocks you off pace.

You can also join this program via the mobile app.





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