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Yoga and Strength Training

Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


Did you want to join our live courses, but weren't able to make it work with your schedule? While our live class provides the accountability and support of a group of peers, this self-paced class is the next best thing. Join Instructor Casey for a 6 week Yoga and Strength Training Course. Each Class in this course includes 40 minutes of exercise including breathing exercises, yoga poses, and strength training exercises. The remaining 20 minutes of the class is dedicated to reflection including history, anatomy and benefits of the exercises. This six-class course provides the same instruction and practice opportunities as our live class through the class recording. You can purchase this single course ($75) or subscribe to our Recorded Class Pass ($75/monthly) for access to all our recorded content.

You can also join this program via the mobile app.


Single Payment
Archived Class Pass


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